Time for New Year’s resolutions!
If you haven’t made your New Year’s resolution, now is the time do to it.
At the temple’s 2019 New Year’s service. Dharma talks by Minister’s Assistants Matt May and Leonora Clarke, retired Minister Don Castro, and Head Minister Katsuya Kusinoki compared Amida’s Vow to a resolution and shared their own vows for 2019.
Kusunoki Sensei urged everyone in attendance to make resolutions, giving his own as examples. These included temple-related projects such as completing a cooperative translation project, visiting those members who aren’t able to travel to the temple and offering more education classes. He added the personal goals of exercising more and seeing more of Seattle as a tourist, which he has not had time to do since he moved here. He added the hope that everyone will resolve to attend Sunday Services and stay involved with the temple.
Resolution forms are available in the temple office and those who fill one in will receive a stamp on their signed form.