Seattle Betsuin 2025 Scholarship Application

The 2025 Scholarship Application is now closed. Please check back Fall 2025, for any updates.

2025 Seattle Betsuin H.N. & Yoshiko Tsujihara Memorial High School Scholarship Grant 
The Tsujihara Family Memorial Scholarship provides recognition to high school seniors who have shown leadership and participation at the Seattle Betsuin, school and community. The family’s wish is for the students to carry the Buddha and Dharma teachings with them and remain connected to the Seattle Betsuin. H.N. & Yoshiko Tsubota Tsujihara were married at the Seattle Betsuin, formed lifelong friendships, raised their family and cherished the Dharma messages and dancing at Bon Odori. We are honored to have had such dedicated and supportive members of the Seattle Betsuin. 


  1. Applicant or parents/guardians are current sustaining members of the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple. 
  1. Applicant is involved with activities and programs at the Seattle Betsuin. 
  1. Applicant will graduate from high school in 2025 and plans to enter an institution of higher education, or vocational school in 2025.  
  1. Successful candidate MUST present their essay as a Dharma message for service Sunday March 30, 2025. 
  1. Successful candidate agrees to authorize the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple to publish the essay, video recording and photo for the temple’s purposes. 
  1. Successful candidate plans to stay involved with the Seattle Betsuin for 1 year. 

Required Documents: 

  1. An essay of 500 words or less addressing the attached topic 
  1. Copy of high school transcript 
  1. Two Letters of Recommendation: At least one must be from a Seattle Betsuin adult. Recommendations from family members, or scholarship committee members will not be accepted 
  1. Completed application 

Selection Criteria: 

  1. Participation and leadership within the Seattle Betsuin and BCA (35%) 
  1. Written essay showing understanding of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism (25%) 
  1. Individualized plan to stay involved with the Seattle Betsuin (15%) 
  1. Participation and leadership at school and in your community (10%) 
  1. 2 Letters of Recommendation (10%) 
  1. High school transcript (5%) 


  1. Completed application packets submitted by February 2, 2025, 2:30 p.m. Pacific Time
  1. Successful candidates will be notified by email. 
  1. Successful candidates will attend the Seattle Betsuin Scholarship Service on March 30, 2025, 10:00 a.m. 

Successful candidates will assist with the 2026 Seattle Betsuin scholarship service. 

2025 Seattle Betsuin Masaru & Mitsuma Shimokon College Scholarship Grant 
The Masaru & Mitsuma Shimokon Scholarship Grant was gifted and established by Dr. Susumu Shimokon in honor of his parents for their many years of service to the Seattle Betsuin.  Masaru served the Betsuin for more than 50 years and his mother, Mitsuma more than 40 years. Dr. Shimokon was grateful for the care of the doctors and nurses who cared for his parents, and those in the sciences and technology fields. We are very honored to have had such devoted and dedicated Betsuin members.  


  1. Applicant or their parents/guardians are current Sustaining Members of the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple. 
  1. Applicant is a 2nd year or higher college student accepted in a major of: medicine, nursing, or a science field (e.g. engineering, computer science). 
  1. Applicant has not received the Shimokon Scholarship previously. 
  1. Applicant is involved with activities at the Seattle Betsuin or Buddhist Churches of America. 
  1. Successful candidate MUST record or present their essay as a Dharma message for service Sunday March 30, 2025. 
  1. Successful candidate plans to stay involved with the Seattle Betsuin for 1 year. 
  1. Successful candidate agrees to authorize the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple to publish the essay, recorded reading of the essay and candidate’s photo for the temple’s purposes. 

Required Documents: 

  1. Completed application 
  1. Copy of College transcript 
  1. An essay of 500 words or less addressing the attached topic 
  1. Two Letters of Recommendation: at least one from a Seattle Betsuin temple member.  Recommendations from family members, or scholarship committee members will not be accepted. 

Selection Criteria: 

  1. Participation and leadership with the Seattle Betsuin and BCA (35%) 
  1. An essay showing an understanding of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism (25%) 
  1. Individualized plan to stay involved with the Seattle Betsuin (15%) 
  1. Participation and leadership at school and in community, including work (10%) 
  1. 2 Letters of Recommendation (10%) 
  1. College transcript (5%) 


  1. Completed application packets must be submitted by February  2, 2025, 2:30 p.m.  Pacific Time
  1. Successful candidates will be notified by email. 
  1. Successful candidates will attend the Seattle Betsuin Scholarship Service on March 30, 2025, 10:00 a.m. or submit a video reading their essay by March 2, 2025, 11:59 p.m

Successful candidates will assist with the 2025 Seattle Betsuin scholarship service. 

Important note: The application form must be submitted at one-time. It is recommended that you download the application form and complete it on your computer, and then copy/paste your responses into the form.